The report, prepared by Community Integrated Development Initiatives (CIDI) and supported by Kilimo Trust, outlines the project aimed at promoting a demand-driven value chain alliance for certified organic poultry products in Rakai District, Uganda. The project focused on improving household incomes through sustainable poultry farming practices and market linkages.
Project Goals and Objectives
- Goal: Increase and sustain household incomes among rural poultry farmers, primarily women, in Rakai District.
- Purpose: Establish a demand-driven value chain alliance linking producers of certified organic poultry products to profitable markets.
- Specific Objectives:
- Establish value chain structures with stakeholder ownership and commitment.
- Develop and implement value chain institutional arrangements.
- Create a viable business plan for the poultry value chain.
- Expand and develop a business model for poultry farming.
Key Achievements
- Value Chain Structure:
- Mobilized 1,894 potential farmers.
- Established technical working committees for input suppliers, producers, traders, processors, and transporters.
- Developed governance guidelines and policies for the value chain.
- Institutional Arrangements:
- Formed strategic partnerships with organizations like Jobya Farm Ltd, Uganda Local Chicken Promoters and Breeders Association, and NAADS.
- Signed MOUs and contracts with key partners to facilitate value chain activities.
- Business Viability Plan:
- Developed and approved a comprehensive poultry agribusiness and financial plan.
- Focused on customer satisfaction, technology transfer, competitive positioning, and sustainable value chain networks.
- Business Model Development:
- Tested a pilot business model with Tufaayo farmer group.
- Trained 56 farmer group representatives in best business practices and organic certification.
- Established a farmer feed center in Kyotera, Rakai.
Challenges and Opportunities
- Challenges:
- Poor quality of day-old chicks and inputs.
- Lack of farmer knowledge and skills in input application.
- High costs of inputs and inadequate infrastructure.
- Limited access to affordable financing and packaging materials.
- Opportunities:
- Strengthening breeder capacity for quality chick production.
- Building farmer capacity in management and treatment.
- Increasing bulk purchase of raw materials for feed production.
- Developing strategic partnerships for better input supply and market access.
Future Plans (Phase II and III)
- Phase II:
- Launch value chain business strategy.
- Achieve organic certification and accreditation.
- Expand market for certified organic poultry products.
- Strengthen capacity of value chain actors.
- Create finance access opportunities.
- Phase III:
- Create and expand new value chain alliances.
- Establish private sector agro-processing facilities.
- Develop a model agribusiness technology transfer center.
- Identify and market new certified organic poultry products.
- Develop a project rollout plan to cover additional districts.