1. Engage Primary Pull Targets
Engage the Primary Pull. A target market that;
- Supports profitability for SHFs and others in the VC, by…
- Rewarding: Quality and Food-safety Standards; Economies of scale; and Timeliness of delivery
2. Pull in Lead firms
Engage the Primary Pull. A target market that;
- Supports profitability for SHFs and others in the VC, by…
- Rewarding: Quality and Food-safety Standards; Economies of scale; and Timeliness of delivery
3. Crowd in SHFs
Crowd-in SHFs, that are;
- Business Oriented
- Experienced & Dedicated to Commercial Farming
- Organized (or willing to be)
- But with profitability and growth limited by poor access to competitive markets that reward quality and/or provide reliable supplies of quality inputs
4. Rope in Commercial Suppliers of Inputs and services
Rope-in Commercial Suppliers of Inputs & Services, such as:
- Equipment (by sale, leasing or hire)
- Finance (credit, equity, etc)
- Seed, Fertilizer, chemicals & other inputs
- BDS, ICT & extension services
5. Engage Sufficient Providers of public good services
Engage sufficient Providers of Public Good Services (dev’t partner, governments and implementing partners), such as:
- Base market to build EoS
- Reciprocal trade deals to expand reached markets
- Enforcement of Standards
- Foundation seed
- Large infrastructure especially for irrigation and transport
- Conducive agro-business environment
- Multi-sector platform