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Report Kenya Tree Biotechnology Scaling Up Project


The report, prepared by the Tree Biotechnology Programme Trust (TBPT) and supported by Kilimo Trust, outlines the project aimed at scaling up clonal tree technology to smallholder farmers in Kenya. The project focused on enhancing the availability of improved tree seedlings through localized clonal production and distribution networks.

Project Goals and Objectives

  • Goal: Enhance the availability of improved tree seedlings at affordable costs by scaling up clonal tree technology.
  • Specific Objectives:
    1. Train nursery operators in clonal forest tree propagation and nursery management.
    2. Establish and support private nurseries for clonal tree production.
    3. Develop effective distribution and delivery networks for seedlings.
    4. Promote business development services and micro-financing for nursery operators.

Key Achievements

  1. Training and Capacity Building:
    • Trained 119 nursery operators from across East Africa.
    • Conducted 10 training sessions on clonal forest tree propagation, nursery management, business development, and micro-financing.
    • Trained 67 school woodlot managers on best practices for woodlot establishment and management.
  2. Nursery Establishment and Seedling Production:
    • Established 56 clonal tree nurseries across Kenya.
    • Produced over 2.1 million seedlings, with more than 900,000 seedlings sold.
    • Created over 400 jobs through nursery operations.
  3. Outreach and Dissemination:
    • Participated in various workshops, field days, and exhibitions to promote clonal tree technology.
    • Engaged in media outreach, including radio talk shows and TV discussions, to raise awareness about the benefits of clonal forestry.
    • Developed and distributed training manuals, brochures, and a video documentary titled "Restoring Lost Cover."
  4. Partnerships and Collaborations:
    • Formed strategic partnerships with local financial institutions for credit and savings facilities.
    • Collaborated with public extension agents, NGOs, private sector, and learning institutions for seedling distribution.
    • Established regional tree seedling centers across Kenya.
  5. Research and Innovation:
    • Conducted scientific research on Eucalyptus planting and published five scientific papers.
    • Established 22 scientific field trials to monitor the performance of hybrid clones.
    • Developed innovations in tunneling techniques for clonal tree seedling production.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Challenges:
    • Nursery operators often produce low-quality seedlings due to cost constraints.
    • Limited access to high-quality germplasm and nursery techniques.
    • Need for better marketing strategies and value addition for seedlings.
  • Opportunities:
    • Strengthening local fabrication of CA tools.
    • Enhancing farmer training and extension services.
    • Developing strategic partnerships for input supply and market access.

Future Plans

  • Scaling Up:
    • Expand CA practices to more smallholder farmers.
    • Promote policy dialogue to support CA adoption.
    • Develop frameworks for action to extrapolate project results to other regions.

View Full Report

Scaling Up Livelihood Impacts through Farmers Organisations and Access to Markets - INSPIRE Final Project