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Kilimo Trust Quarterly Newsletter: April - June 2023

Uganda: Kilimo Trust Participates in the First National Agricultural Week 2023

Kilimo Trust participated in the first edition of the National Agricultural Extension Week 2023, organized by the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (UFAAS) from May 23rd to 26th. KT showcased the AGRIPATH project, which deals with Digital Agricultural Services, and sponsored 10 youth to participate in the event. Mrs. Rachel Ajambo, the KT Uganda Team Leader, participated in a side dialogue on the State of Agricultural Extension in Uganda. She emphasized that farmers are rational and make choices in agriculture when they foresee significant returns, which can be enhanced through access to agricultural extension services. She also discussed the importance of viable business development and support services for farmers.

Kenya: Hundreds of Agriculture Enthusiasts Visit Kilimo Trust Booth at the Agri-Africa Expo & Conference 2023

From May 9th to 12th, Kilimo Trust participated in the Agri-Africa Expo and Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, at the Kenyatta International Conference Center (KICC). Themed “Using Information to Power Agriculture in Africa,” the event was attended by over 5,000 people from eight countries. Kilimo Trust exhibited its past and current projects implemented in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Kenya. Highlights included the R4ICSA project funded by the IKEA Foundation, showcasing innovations in rice by-products and sustainable rice production practices.

Rwanda: Kilimo Trust Rwanda Organizes the R-YES Learning and Reflection Event

Kilimo Trust Rwanda held a three-day R-YES learning and reflection event from April 26th to 28th at Lemigo Hotel in Kigali. The event brought together over 50 partners and stakeholders to share lessons learned from the Rural Youth Employment Support (R-YES) Project and discuss ways to scale its successes.

Uganda: The Evidence-Based R4iCSA - II Project Activities Underway

Phase Two of the Reduce - Reuse - Recycle Rice Initiative for Climate Smart Agriculture (R4ICSA - II) Project was launched in Uganda on March 23rd. Activities are underway in Tororo, Ngenge, and Butaleja districts, focusing on intermittent watering, rice-legume integration, biochar application, vermicomposting, and rice by-products utilization as fodder and rice ratooning. This is being done in partnership with the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), the National Crops Resources Research Institute (NACRRI), and Bugi ZARDI.

Kilimo Trust Staff Forum in Kampala, Uganda

Kilimo Trust organized a five-day staff forum from June 12th to 16th at Forest Park in Mityana District, Uganda. The forum, attended by 26 staff members, included presentations on project implementation, financial management, and team-building activities. Staff also learned about IT security and the benefits provided by the organization’s partners.

Kilimo Trust in the News
Be Seen Be Heard (BSBH) KT Challenge Winner

The Be Seen Be Heard KT challenge encourages Kilimo Trust staff to promote project activities on social media. In this quarter, Rachel Ajambo and Gabriel Olengo were the winners for April. Congratulations to them for their efforts in increasing the organization’s visibility.


Kilimo Trust remains committed to transforming agriculture in East Africa. We thank our partners and stakeholders for their continued support and look forward to achieving even greater milestones together.

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