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Competitive Africa Rice Initiative (CARI) Phase 1

Year: June 2014 – December 2017

Country/Area: Tanzania

Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)


Aimed to double the incomes from rice for small and medium scale farming enterprises in Tanzania. The project goals were to: a) increase productivity and quality of paddy rice using sustainable and competitive rice production systems, b) increase efficiency of local rice sourcing, processing and marketing through structured value chain linkages, improved technology and process management, c) improve access to financial services for all value chain actors served and d) improved the policy framework for rice sector development in Tanzania.


  • Yield and income increased by 110% and 216% respectively.
  • Over 177,000MT of paddy rice was sourced by millers from CARI participating farmers.
  • Over USD 4.4Million accessed by 14,847 farmers and 6 off- takers from financial institutions.
  • Over 53,000 farmers accessed improved inputs and mechanization services i.e. 11,356 farmers accessed improved seed, 1,513 accessed pesticides, 14,694 accessed fertilizers, 15,497 accessed tractor services, 6,255 accessed power tiller services and 4,007 accessed combined harvester services.
  • RCT supported to develop position paper on rice smuggling in East Africa.
  • EAC rice sector report adopted by EAC secretariat.
  • Over 44,000 farmers (41% females ) received CARI supported trainings i.e. 31,642 farmers trained on Farmer Business School, 42,475 trained on Good Agricultural Practices, 40,523 trained on Post Harvest Handling.
East African Youth Inclusion Program (EAYIP)