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Competitive African Rice Initiative in East Africa (CARI-EA) Project

Year: April 2019 – April 2022

Country/Area: Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda

Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)


The East African Rice Initiative Project (CARI-EA) was a 3-year project commissioned by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). CARI-EA project overall goal was to contribute to inclusive transformation of the rice sector in East Africa for sustainable increase in incomes of 220,000 women, men and young people employed in the value chain of locally produced rice in the East Africa Community.

Specifically, the project goal was pursued through the following objectives:

  • Increased productivity, commercialization, profitability, and resilience for enterprises smallholder producers of rice.
  • Strengthened and expanded access and competitiveness in the national and regional markets for the locally produced rice.
  • Strengthened local, national, and regional enabling policy and institutional environment for optimal commercialization of the rice sector.

What has been achieved :

  • 202,534 small holder farming households reached by the project with at least one intervention technologies and/or management practices
  • 166,365 farmers who have applied/accessed improved technologies and/or management practices
  • 20,113 (MT) of fertilizers procured by farmers
  • 5,280 (MT) of seeds sold as a result of AGRA support
  • 406 business linkages between input suppliers (seeds and fertilizers) and FBOs established
  • 109 storage facilities developed/ refurbished
  • 145,373 (MT) of target crops (paddy) sold through structured markets (nationally and across borders)
  • 54,463,969 (US$) of target crops (paddy) sold through structured markets (nationally and across borders)
  • 108,141 (MT) of target crops (milled rice) sold through structured markets (nationally & across borders)
  • 76,931,309 (US$) of target crops (milled rice) sold through structured markets (nationally and across borders)
  • 110,474 farmers selling produce through structured trading facilities/arrangements
  • 32,100 target farmers receiving financial services (credit, savings, insurance) 
  • 42 supported SMEs receiving financial services (credit, savings, insurance)
  • 10,706,428 (US$) of loan accessed/leveraged from financial institutions as a result of AGRA investment
  • 181,651 individuals who have received AGRA supported short term agricultural sector trainings
  • 5,021 training events held to build capacity of farmers and other VC actors along focus value chains
  • 2,844 new people employed by SMEs receiving AGRA support along the focus value chains
  • 306,413 farming households using post-harvest technologies/facilities
  • 3,499 contracts signed between different value chain actors
  • 6,310,077 (USD) of new public and private investment in agriculture sector leveraged by CARI-EA

Good Food for Cities (GFC) Project