Year: October 2011 – October 2015
Country/Area: Uganda
Client: Government of Uganda and UNDP
DIMAT project supported building of inclusive agricultural business linkages to inputs and outputs markets in Uganda for passion fruits, beans, cassava and rice value chains.
Project Achievements:
- Forty (40) business linkages were established in 22 districts, targeting 15,000 farmers through 29 business associations.
- 9,922 MT, valued at US$ 3.4 Million of produce was bulked and sold by participating producer organizations.
- Five (5) innovative business models were developed and 2 piloted together with private sector companies.
- Over 4,000 producers accessed financial services and 35 VSLAs formed and/or revived i.e. by project end, each farmer was saving between US$1.67 – US$6.67 on a weekly basis.
- 4,623 farmers accessed and utilised agro-inputs (seeds and agro-chemicals) as a result, beans yield increased from 0.35 MT/Ha to 0.8 MT/Ha and rice yields increased from 0.8 MT/Ha to 1.8 MT/Ha.
- 250 SHFs accessed timely market information for decision making.
- 7,501 were trained on Good Agricultural Practices and Good Post harvest handling practices.
- Five (5) commodity (Rice, Coffee, Honey, Cassava and Beans) value chain studies were undertaken.