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Enhancing Access to Markets for an Inclusive Agricultural Transformation (EAMIAT) in Eastern Uganda

Post-harvest losses handling, quality, and standards component

Years of Implementation: 2024-2027

Areas of Implementation: Eastern Uganda

Funder: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

The overall goal of this project is to improve the income and food and nutrition security of MSMEs and farmers through the development of inclusive and sustainable trade opportunities using the anchor firm model.

Specific objectives of this project includes:

  • Promote structured markets through market linkage initiatives, price stabilization mechanisms
  • Promote innovative post-harvest handling and quality/safety management system in priority VCs.
  • To develop participatory innovative and flexible Agriculture financing mechanisms and identify or promote bankable pipeline.
  • Create a conducive policy and regulatory environment for markets and trade of agricultural commodities

Kilimo Trust will focus on objective two while the other consortium members will focus on the remaining objectives. It is expected that there will be overlap across the other objectives and Kilimo Trust’s assignment to objective two is for purpose of delimiting activities that it will be accountable for:

  • Output 1: 10,000 trained in Post harvest handling practices
  • Output 2: Contribute to 30% increase of maize; beans; and rice; quality grain traded.
  • Output 3: 105,000 trained in quality and standards of Uganda’s traded produce
  • Output 4: 50% increased utilization of warehousing facilities by value chain actors by.
  • Output 5: Increased training and utilization of alternative sources of energy for post-harvest management (drying and threshing)
Iringa – Mitigation, Adaptation, Productivity for Climate Smart Agriculture (IMAP4CSA)