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Good Food for Cities (GFC) Project

Project Name: Good Food for Cities (GFC) Project

Year: July 2022 – December 2026

Area/Country: Rubavu District – Rwanda

Client: Rikolto Son


The Good Food for Cities (GFC) Project is a 5-years initiative (2022-2026) implemented in Rubavu District, in the Western Province of Rwanda. The project is funded by the Belgian Government (DGD) through Rikolto SON and implemented by Kilimo Trust Rwanda and Rwanda Consumers’ Rights Protection Organization (ADECOR). The Good Food for Cities program seeks to support farmers to increase production and commercialization of affordable, healthy, and nutritious food produced using regenerative and other sustainable production practices.

Project Goal:

The GOAL of the GFC project is to contribute to 20% increase in incomes and job creation for 2,000 smallholder producers of health, sustainable, and nutritious (HSN) foods in Rubavu District.

Expected Results:

  • At least four (4) producer organizations engaged in 4 commercially viable business linkages with potential buyers by end of project.
  • At least 2,000 small-holder farmers engaged in GFC project
  • At least 1,000 MT of HSN foods (majorly vegetables) produced and traded annually (including cross border trade to DRC)
  • At least 60 Ha of land cultivated for vegetables production focusing on adopting regenerative agriculture practices.

Building Resilience to Enhance Food and Nutrition Security, Incomes and Health in Northern Uganda under the Development Initiative of Northern Uganda (DINU) project