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Regional East African Trade in Staples Phase II (REACTS-II)

Year: April 2018 – March 2020

Country/Area: Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda

Client: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)


REACTS-II was a 3 years’ flagship regional project is supporting small holder farming households and other value chain actors (SMEs) across the three EAC countries (Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda), to take advantage of structured national, regional and opportunistic international markets for agricultural products. REACTS-II commenced on 1st April 2018 and ended on 31st March 2021. The project is funded by AGRA (US$ 1,399,974) and implemented by Kilimo Trust.

REACTS-II interventions focused on the maize and beans value chain in Uganda; beans, potatoes and green grams value chains in Kenya; Rice and beans value chains in Rwanda.

Key results Planned: The project goal was to increase incomes by 20% for 315,795 small holder farming households (105,265 direct and 210,530 indirect beneficiaries) and 5% for other value chain actors (SMEs). This will be pursued through two objectives:

  • Strengthen and expand access to input and output markets, and
  • Improve value chain coordination efficiency in the maize, rice, potatoes and pulses value chains.


  • Created 202 business linkages and 115,267 SHF households linked (direct)to national & regional markets. Up to 220,324 SHF households were reached indirectly.
  • 152,715 MT of food staples valued at US$63 Million sold through structured trade.
  • US$4.6Million leveraged from agribusiness MSMEs through matching grants and loan guarantee scheme.
  • US$ 1.69Million accessed by value chain actors from financial institutions.
  • 99,089 MT of high quality inputs accessed by SHFs.
  • 90 SMEs supported creating over 600 jobs.
Competitive African Rice Initiative -Phase II