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Enduring Linkages: Bukoba Farmers in Tanzania to reduce post-harvest losses and improve the quality of seed by adopting threshing technology learned and sourced from Rwanda.

Kilimo Trust, an East Africa-based not-for profit organization implemented a project dubbed “Bean Enterprises and Structured Trade in East African Community (BEST-EAC)” during the period October 2015 to March 2018. This 2.5 years’ project was funded by FoodTrade East and Southern Africa (FTESA) program funded by DFID and managed by DAI. In line with the project’s goal of doubling the incomes of 10,000 commercially-oriented smallholder farmers in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, BEST EAC under its activity of establishing linkages between producers and mechanization service providers (planting, weeding, threshing) and training them on utilization, organized a learning visit between farmers from Kagera region in Tanzania and the Eastern Province of Rwanda – some of the regions that were targeted by the project. In August 2017, a delegation of ten (10) farmers from 5 Farmer Business Organizations (FBOs) and 5 Field Officers, staff of Kaderes Peasant Development (KPD) Plc from Karagwe district, Kagera Region in Tanzania who were members of the Kagera Beans Consortium (KABECO) visited their counterparts of the Eastern Province Beans Consortium in Rwanda. The exchange/ learning visit was organized by Kilimo Trust’s BEST-EAC project

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Growing environmentally friendly beans explained