Joyce Gwamba is a young, dynamic, and well-known farmer in Dakawa with keen interest to sensitize young farmers in his local community to engage in farming as a fulltime venture since it’s rewarding and has high potential. She is a former fashion designer who turned into a farmer due to opportunities created by the project. When the project started, Joyce was just a local fashion designer and part-time farmer on her parent’s piece of land measuring 2 acres (approx. 0.8Ha) in Dakawa.
Upon attending SRP training, she decided to actively invest in farming through leasing more land within her village and using good agricultural practices acquired during SRP trainings. She managed to nearly double her production capacity from 12 bags per acre to 22 bags per acre just within the village on rainfed plots.
The training was provided by Petrobena Company limited under MVORICE consortium which is among five consortia commissioned by CARI project in Tanzania. Joyce is now a change champion in agriculture and a trainer in the village. After just one season, Joyce has become a respected youth leader championing more youth to join farming. She has now cultivated over 7 acres of rice all using the best recommended good agronomic practices. She is now a trainer of farmers on SRP, farming as business (FBS) and gender as well as social development.