Key Findings
Beans are a major type of legume consumed in both Uganda and Burundi. They provide 45% of protein calories intake in Uganda and in Burundi, beans and other pulses make up to 55% of per capita protein intake. Burundi has a high per capita beans consumption at a rate of 60kg per annum compared to Uganda’s 19kg. For both countries, institutions such as schools and prisons take up a high percentage of the beans consumed.Among others, affordability, flatulent free and fast cooking varieties are important characteristics that consumers of beans in Uganda and Burundi look out for.
The beans value chain in Uganda and Burundi is unstructured, highly informal with minimal value addition. There is minimal value addition if any of the bean grain that is majorly traded and consumed in both countries. The beans value chains in the two countries are dominated by small holder farmers, middlemen, wholesalers, retailers and consumers
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