This study has been carried out by Kilimo Trust on behalf of the Sustainable Agriculture Kigoma Regional Project (SAKiRP). This report is based on primary and secondary data collected to assess the available and potential markets for cassava and cassava derived products from Kigoma region in Uganda
Cassava is the second main staple food in Uganda and has been identified to have potential of improving livelihood of smallholder farmers in Uganda. However, the outbreak of cassava mosaic disease and cassava Brown Streak Disease have drastically lowered the production yield by over 40%. This is however compensated with by increasing the production area.
Uganda currently has an annual net deficit of cassava and cassava derived products of over 70,000 MT. Annual demand of cassava and cassava derived products in Uganda stood at 2.85 million MT (fresh root equivalent) in 2014 and is expected to increase by 31% in 2020. The deficit is expected to grow to over 900,000 MT (fresh root equivalent) due to population growth if production constraints of disease are not fully addressed.
The major players in cassava and cassava product marketing in Uganda are traders who consist of retailers, village assemblers/brokers, transporters/travelling traders, wholesalers, and exporters. The key markets are Kisenyi in Kampala, Lira, Soroti, Jinja, Arua, Apac and Mbale markets.
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