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Value Chain Analysis of the Cassava Sub-sector in Uganda

Uganda is the sixth largest producer of cassava in Africa with 4.2 million metric tonnes having been produced in 2010. Cassava is the second most important staple crop after bananas in the country. The main cassava growing regions based on production volumes of 2008/2009 are; eastern region (37%), northern region (34%), western region (15%) and central region (14%). The national average yield of cassava is 12.5MT/ha with production being dominated by smallholders having farm sizes of between 0.4 and 0.8 hectares. The crop is grown for food and income and is traded as cassava flour (50%), dried cassava chips/pellets (45%) and raw cassava (5%). Fresh cassava trading is driven by the high perishability of the fresh roots and by the price premium that consumers are willing to pay for the freshness. Consumers particularly like the red-skinned variety of cassava grown almost exclusively in Masindi district.

Although prices are majorly seasonal, they also vary on daily basis depending on the quantities supplied. Given the importance of cassava in Uganda, it was necessary to understand what the situation of the cassava sub-sector is in the country in terms of production, marketing and consumption and also map the different actors in the value chain. The study employed the value chain analysis and SWOT analyses approaches to achieve its objectives. The value chain approach is an accounting framework which uses both functional and economic analysis (at market prices) of an identified value chain while SWOT analysis is a simple framework for generating strategic alternatives by identifying strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

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Value Chain Analysis (VCA) of the Honey Sub-sector in Uganda