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The Regional East African Community Trade In Staples- Phase II (Reacts II) Project Webinar

REACTS II project commenced in April 2018 and ended in March 2021. REACTS II was funded by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). It was a 3-year flagship regional project that supported smallholder farming households and other value chain actors across the three East African Countries (Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda), to take advantage of structured national, regional and opportunistic international markets for agricultural products. This was achieved through

(i) strengthening and expanding access to input and output markets, and

(ii) improving value chain coordination efficiency in the maize, rice, beans, potatoes and pulses value chains. The project registered several achievements as well as generated a wealth of knowledge, experience and lessons worth sharing with key stakeholders hence Kilimo Trust organized a webinar. The webinar themed, “NATIONAL AND CROSS BORDER AGRICULTURAL TRADE FACILITATION FOR SMEs (including Cooperatives): Lessons from REACTS II Project Implementation,” took place on the 21st– 22nd April 2021 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM EAT.

The webinar was conducted in two series with specific topics of discussion and panelists that were well-positioned in the agribusiness sector.

Key topics of discussion were:

1st series topics

  • Preparing farmers and SMEs for national and regional markets amidst COVID impact.
  • Women in Cross border trade: Challenges and opportunities.

2nd series topics

  • Streamlining agricultural research to respond to markets.
  • Multi-sectoral approach to agricultural development.

Knowledge products:

Booklet: Fostering national and regional trade in Agricultural products in East Africa