Profiling of Agribusiness SMEs in Tanzania and Uganda Executive Summary SMEs play an ever increasing role in creating income and employment. In Tanzania for example, it is estimated that a third of GDP originates from the SME sector while in Uganda it es... Regional Studies Tanzania Uganda Nov 16, 2023
Characteristics of Onions End Markets in EAC Key Findings In 2013, the EAC collectively consumed 497, 843MT of red bulb onion, 79% of the 630,208 MT that was produced. Tanzania is the leading producer of onions in EAC region. Consumption of onio... Kenya Regional Studies Rwanda Tanzania Uganda Nov 16, 2023
Characteristics of Markets for Animal Feeds Raw Materials in the EAC Key Findings In 2014, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, the countries with the largest livestock industry in the region had a demand for animal feeds amounting to 6 million MT against production at only 1.... Kenya Regional Studies Tanzania Uganda Nov 16, 2023
Characteristics of Sunflower End Markets in EAC Key Findings As at 2014, demand for edible oils in the region was 950,280 MT, with 35% of that being consumed in Tanzania. Of this, palm oil constituted between 48-85% while sunflower took up 20%. Aro... Regional Studies Tanzania Uganda Nov 16, 2023
Characteristics of Green Grams End Markets in EAC Key Findings Out of the 143,552MT of green grams that were consumed in 2014, Kenya accounted for 96% of this followed by Tanzania (3.78%). In the same year, production of green grams in the region sto... Kenya Regional Studies Tanzania Uganda Nov 16, 2023
Analysis of the Banana Value Chains in Uganda and Tanzania Key Findings This report presents the results of a study undertaken in 2012 to assess the potential role that the banana value chain can play in reducing poverty and eliminating hunger among rural and... Regional Studies Tanzania Uganda Nov 16, 2023
Analysis of Gross Margins and Labour Productivity in Beans Production in EAC Key Findings This report presents the results of a study undertaken in 2012 to assess the potential role that the banana value chain can play in reducing poverty and eliminating hunger among rural and... Regional Studies Tanzania Uganda Nov 16, 2023
An Exploratory Study of the Dry Beans Market in Uganda and Burundi Key Findings Beans are a major type of legume consumed in both Uganda and Burundi. They provide 45% of protein calories intake in Uganda and in Burundi, beans and other pulses make up to 55% of per ca... Burundi Regional Studies Uganda Nov 16, 2023
The Poultry Value Chain in Tanzania Key Findings Chicken constitute 90% of poultry kept in Tanzania and is kept by over 78% of the farming population. Official statistics indicate Over 35 million of chicken kept in Tanzania is indigenou... Tanzania Nov 16, 2023
The Maize Value Chain in Tanzania Key Findings Tanzania was the leading producer of maize among her EAC counterparts in the period 2006-2016 and is ranked 5th in Africa. Over a period of 10 years to 2016, maize production grew at an a... Tanzania Nov 16, 2023 Studies
SAGCOT Integrated Knowledge and Information for Agriculture Key Findings SIKIA ( ) is a public-private partnership in the rice value chain in Tanzania. The project targets smallholder rice farmers in the SAGCOT area, enabling them t... Tanzania Nov 16, 2023 Studies
Potato Demand and Value Chain in Tanzania SAGCOT Integrated Key Findings Potato is among the major ten staple crops grown in Tanzania with huge potential as food as well as income in areas with favourable climatic conditions such as highlands e.g. Iringa, Njom... Tanzania Nov 16, 2023 Studies